Looking good, made easy
Chembur-Ghatkopar Plus gives you a lowdown on how you can acquire those perfect looks you have always yearned for, without spending a fortune on them
generally believe that looking good is a gift of God to a few blessed souls or is in the reach of those who have the time to frequent beauty parlours regularly. Seldom, people believe that coveted looks can be derived without wasting long hours in front of the mirror. Wondering how? Here is what you can do.
To begin with, you need to visualise the specific changes you want to work on. See yourself with a streamlined body, healthier hair, a clearer skin and a majestic posture. These changes are realistic and attainable. Stay away from goals you will never reach. Also, never compare yourself with someone you have seen on the TV or on the movie screen or on the cover of a magazine. Accept your uniqueness and capitalise on it.
Boost Attitude: The quickest attitude adjustment you have to make is by working on your self-image. Women who have low self-esteem, often avoid mirrors like the plague. However, mirrors can become a big ally. Mirrors can tell you how you are progressing, in those little ways that may not be noticeable to the casual eye. It ultimately has the most objective eye.
Everything Better: The way you use your beauty products will make all the difference. For instance, try to duplicate the way products are handled in the salon. Never pour your shampoos or hair oils directly on your hair. Also make it a point to give your scalp a 10-minute massage before washing. While rinsing, lift your hair away from your scalp for about two minutes until it squeaks.
The Virtues of Vanity Confident women enjoy experimenting as a way of relieving stress and boosting their morale. Women who care about how they look are fascinating to watch and do grab attention.
Pretty Amazing :Do not worry about looking pretty. Look amazing and show the world that you care about yourself. Real beauty celebrates individuality. Rather than running around looking for beauty in expensive external products, discover it within yourself. Make the most of what you have. You will learn to like yourself and that will spark a light within.
One Thing For Yourself :Everyday Make yourself do it. It is the ultimate act of self-respect. Soak in the bubble bath or read an inspiring book. These little pleasures allow you to feel special, which will show and make you feel much better. You can fake it if you, until you actually feel deserving of it. Whatever you choose, follow the action by writing down what you did and how it made you feel. Make it your own attitude. Include stories, quotes from friends and photographs that have made you feel good about yourself.
Beauty :Feel good, feel pretty and that is just what the world will see. If you feel ugly, that is what people will see. Try to look as good as you can. There are ways to live in beauty without being obsessive about the same.
Supportive Friends :What people say, whether intentional or not, make us feel good or bad about ourselves. Look for people who make you feel good when you are down. This person will give you compliment. If you have done something different or if you are wearing something new, they will notice it. Keep these compliments and they will go a long way in building your self-esteem.
To Your Inner Voice Each of us has a voice inside our head that will give us advice. This is like a therapist. It will guide us in the right direction. It will calm us down, cheer us up and even help us figure out why we are overeating or not bothering to iron our clothes. The problem is that we often do not take time we need to hear this important information. Take out some quiet time during a leisurely bath or during your regular walks, or even while applying your makeup. Treat this intuition as an inner cheering section.
Take A Break
At least twice a day, set aside five minutes to recheck your make-up, hair, posture and clothing. No matter how impeccably you started out your day, a touch is both necessary and warranted. Take somedeep breaths to renew and restore your appearance and it will definitely show.